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Qaghaq Tal-Gulglien ( Yeasted Sesame Seed Rings )


300g plain flour
15g fresh yeast
40g butter
100g caster sugar
pinch of ground cloves
½ tsp. ground aniseed
grated rind of 1 orange or tangerine and 1 lemon
½ a lemon
juice of ½ an orange or tangerine
sesame seeds


Prepare a yeast sponge, sift 200g of flour into a large basin, cream the yeast with 125ml. warm water 25'C , make a well in the flour and add the liquid, sprinkle over some of the flour from the sides of the basin, cover and leave in a warm place for 60minutes
rub the butter into the remaining 100g flour, add the sugar, spices, orange and lemon rind, mix this with the sponge, adding the citrus juice, add more warm water if the dough is to dry, ( but it should not be too slack) bring the dough together, then turn on to a work surface and knead for 10 minutes, put to rise, covered in a warm place for at least 1 hour,
until doubled in bulk return the dough to the work surface and knock out any air bubbles, divide into 6 or 8 pieces, roll each into a long even sausage but more the width of a chipolata, they should not be too thick, form each into a ring by joining the ends and pressing firmly together,
have a plate well covered with sesame seeds amd press each ring down on to the seeds so the top is thickly coated, place on greased baking sheet, cover again and keep in a warm place until doubled in size

Bake at 200'c/400F/gas 6 for 25-30minutes, until golden brown, cover with a clean tea towel as soon as they come out of the oven and leave until cold, this serve to keep the crust soft.

